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About the company

NEUROVISION (NV) develops cutting-edge AI to enhance business efficiency, powering systems for FinTech, Crypto, Payments, Betting, PropTech, Telecom, Real Estate, Education, Travel, Mobility, GovTech, TeleHealth, and more.

Our Flagship Solutions:

1. NV KYC Platform for faster service, higher profits, and fraud prevention:

  • Face matching with 99.74%+ accuracy (Top 30 NIST 2023)
  • ID processing for 14,000+ document types from 240+ countries in under 1 second
  • Anti-fraud protection with 40+ algorithms
  • Liveness detection

2. NV Blockchain for secure global b2b & b2c contracts:

  • Digital NFT passports with verified KYC
  • Passwordless biometric/QR authentication for enhanced security

3. NeuroMed Platform for clinics:

  • Detects lung cancer in CT, breast cancer in mammograms, improving speed and quality
  • Speeds up patient registration with KYC/IDP integration

We also offer video analytics and customizable technologies to fit your business needs.

Who are we?

Experts in the field of artificial intelligence, neural networks, blockchain and complex architectural software solutions.

Our mission

Improving security, reducing costs and increasing revenues in retail, e-commerce, the financial market and other business sectors, as well as the public sector.


Нейровижн API

Simple on-cloud and on-premise integration

Выгодный тариф без абонентской платы

Favorable tariff without a monthly fee

Высокая точность обработки

High processing accuracy – one mistake per million verifications

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